My new program *Out of this world* offers you and your employees, customers and business associates – but also your family in private life – entertainment at the highest stage. It is about a prediction tailor-made for your needs or your company as for example the equity price of your company, lottery numbers or something creative your guests may only think of during the evening. The possibilities are almost unlimited! Absolutely inexplicable and fascinating … The reactions are overwhelming. Moreover it has to do with the differences between auditory and visual perception and with the phenomenon mind reading. Is it possible or do you just experience subtle suggestions?
How effective can our subconscious mind be and how are we able to improve our life being aware of its power?
Performing on international TV shows he fascinated an audience of millions. Spectators all over the world have meanwhile marveled at this man bending metal and glass. He is competent to do things that do simply not seem to be explainable by laws of nature. With this man, the boundaries between fantasy and reality, between truth and imagination get blurred. Let us take you to a fantastic journey to a magic world where things are possible which you have not even been dreaming of.
„Shows around the world“
Close-up Magic
Stand-up Magic
The Infotainer
Business Magic / Infotainment
For you as a company it is important to call attention for yourself and your products resp. services. Business magic is a wonderful way to magnetically attract customers while performing tailor-made acts standing in front of your booth. This type of magic attracts many visitors and creates an informal atmosphere that makes customers feel more comfortable at your exhibition stand because magic serves as medium of communication. Magic suits perfectly for giving information about a product telling histories. Danny Ocean takes a stand for your success and makes the customer feel that your company is truly interested in him/her personally. The interaction between magical effects and the most important information about your products resp. services will make a lasting impression on everybody. Infotainment de luxe!